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Pin Hole Image 2021


An abandoned playhouse.

Inventing a brief, fictitious residency, the artist moves into an abandoned playhouse. This seemingly absurd gesture becomes a deliberate strategy to manipulate the structure of the paper rolls, allowing the material to interact with the space through various playful actions. The artist covers the windows with paper, flies a flag from the roof—each intervention reconfigures the material, only for the paper scraps to be retrieved and reabsorbed into the ongoing roll upon leaving the space.

The restored roll now bears the scars of these events. Each inscribed marking represents a trace of the artist’s engagement with the playhouse. These markings accumulate into a layered history, a record of fleeting interactions that transform both the paper and the space itself.

Captured with a pinhole camera, the images documenting the project are not merely records but extensions of the process. The documentation, the webpage, and the artist’s material interventions all form part of the same approach, creating a unified reflection on presence, memory, and materiality.


Play House (interior)

Pin Hole image 2021

Black flag 3.jpg


Pin Hole Image 2021

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