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“‘Cloud’ and ‘Swarm’ are part of a series of animated objects, born from the physicality of notebook text and drawings now lifted free of their paper support. These notes and diagrams, unbound, fold and spin upon themselves, forming a continuous, self-organizing murmuration. They hover in an ambiguous space—sometimes near the wall's surface, sometimes deep within it. Their shifting mass drifts closer to the viewer, only to retreat again, as if stirred by unseen forces—always fragile, as though the slightest disturbance might dissolve them into nothingness.”



Cloud 2016 (Clip)

drifting mass of notebook material accumulated between 2015-17

'Cloud' runs on a realtime animation program, random generators effecting its form, rhythm and duration.


Swarm 2016 (Clip)

Notebook material accumulated between 2015-17 

'Swarm' runs on a realtime animation program, random generators effecting its form, rhythm and duration.



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